Thursday 28 May 2009

21/05/2009 - 23/05/2009 Kota Bharu

so, after the water taxi we caught a cab up to Kota Bahru. It was the oldest cab with the oldest driver, we got just out of Besut when we had a blow out tyre, good start, people stopped or waved as they went past, I left the old man to do his own tyre to nics discust, well tough I thought, plus it was bloody hot too...
we got into the city but instead of dropping us at the Hotel he decides to turn the other way and leave us a 10 minute walk and sweat, I was now very happy that he'd done his own tyre, the git, I nearly gave him less than we had agreed but Nic wouldn't let me.. she's too soft.
Got to 'Kencana Lodge'.. I had a bit of a hissy fit cos it was very old but it was actually ok in the end, we showered and went to see about doing our thai visa's, we couldn't do it in the 3 days we wre there cos they have there weekend friday and Saturday and we weren't staying long enough, tomorrow was Friday, we always do this, we need to get a bit wiser I think..
We wlked towards town, had a beer,we discovered Malay Jaz Beer, cheap and very nice, ended up being the place in the planet book with out knowing it, then we walked to the nigh market which wasn't all that good, had a quick satay, lucky nic read the labels, choice was chick neck, liver or body... I'd picked liver without looking properly... after that we went back to where we had come from... good food and more beers, had a TV in our room so we watched a movie
Went to the city market, very busy, had a wandr round, couldn't decide what to eat so we had McDonalds, very bad but needed a break from noodles...
Went and done a load of Blog stuff then went to yesterdays bar for beers, got chatting to some great guys from West Oz, Tony and Lynne, Lynne does handi-crafts and arty stuff, she made me an ashtray out the Tiger beer can, all good re-cycled stuff.. we sat with them for probably a couple of hours then we went off to find the four season chinese restaurant we;d walked past the day before, you've guessed it, it was closed.. next door to the hotel was a chinese hawker place, we managed to find someone who spoke English so we ate and had a couple of beers...

Bus to Penang... an hour late, no surprise

Tony and Lynne

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