Thursday 28 May 2009

12/5/09 - 15/5/09 Kuala Lumpur & Melacca

Arrived on the bus from the airpot & walked down to our hostel 'Matahari Lodge' near China Town.
Got a great welcome & the room was lovely & clean & tidy! Result! after a while we elt at home, friedly staff who remembered our names & just a chilled out place, you need one of those once in a while!

Popped to the 'Beatles Bar' for a beer & Happy Hour G & T. It was a funny bar all they played was Beatles music & i do't even like it! Then one of the local guys started Kareoke! He was really bad & was singing in broken English, the couple of guys that were also in there soon got up & left, so we thanked them for leaving us!
Wet for an Indian dinner, God klnow's how we odered as there were no menu's but we had a great dinner in the end for about 1.30!

Got the train to the Petronas Towers & got our tickets to go back at 4:30pm.
Then we had a quick look around M&S at the wine & got the bus to the Indian Embassy to get our visa's sorted. Got all the way there only to be told that the Tourist Visa's are done at another office 2 blocks from our hostel, gutted!
Submitted the visa & then it started to rain so we went back to the hostel for a beer
& then got up the momentum to go to the Towers! Towers were ok, just more tall towers really!
Met a guy called Tom in the evening & again when we were in the Beatles Bar again. He couldn't resist the singing!

Day trip out to Melacca with a couple we met at the hostel, James & Megan. James is as silly as Jay! The Drivers there and back were clearing their thoats and gobbing out the window, Jay and James were cracking up...
Wandered around the old town in Melacca, had a cheap Laksa lunch & a couple of beers then got the bus home, missed the big Tesco's that was next to the bus station to go for Dim Sum in KL.
Found the hawker stand on Jalan Alor & ordered loads of lush Dims. I went to the loo & saw a nice huge rat in the kitchen on the way back but tummies were all good the next day!
Got a taxi back in the rain, beers & bed!

Had luch with Tom in China town, was really good, had a couple of beers, last thing we wanted to do was get on a bus for a few hours...well 6 hours..
Went back and got our sacks and walked up to the bus station, sweating again, then we had to walk across the road to where the bus went from, then we had to walk again to find it... got on the bus sweaty and very happy, not.. the bus was really crappy, did have air con, we were lucky..
On the way up to the highlands its really twisty and the driver goes like a crazy man, shame it was dark,more gobbing from the driver, we heard from James and Meg that the views were really good..
ArrivedCameron Highlands, Tanh Rata the main town...

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