Monday 4 May 2009

10/3/09 - 15/3/09 Wanganui - Wellington - South Island

Not much to see here so bought dinner & parked at a camp by the sea! Strange folk nosing at us from their caravan! Did 2 large sacks of washing, result!!
Left this morning for a few days in Wellington with George.
Stopped on the way at a place called Paikakariki that George said was nice. Made sarnies by the sea & ate them watching the local kids school do training in the sea near the surf club. Then cracked on into Wellington City, eventually found our way round the 1 way system to the info office, picked up a few bits to do & ferry info to the South Island. Couldn't get over how small the Capital City was, the main road out equivalent to our M25 was only 1 lane!!! Popped into the Lower Hutt info centre to get a map of Upper Hutt so we culd find George's house.
Trucked onto Upper Hutt & parked up at a bar for a few Woodie's to wait for George to get home from work.
Met up with George, dumped the bags then went around to his Mum's for dinner. Met Marion & George's daughter Kathryn, Marion still had a broad Scottish accent even though she has lived in NZ for years now! Ate our first roast dinner since leaving home & with J's favourite cheese sauce! Well lush! Rex (Marions Hubbie) got in from work & joined us, he was funny too, he talked us through the South Island a bit as he used to visit there a lot for work. J chatted him up for brekkie the next day so he could watch the Liverpool match!

J got up & went round to Rex's with some eggs & a tin of Heinz Baked Beans for brekkie & to watch the footie! I chilled & washed clothes & booked our ferry to the S.Island for Sunday. Rex made him poached eggs on toast & they watched the game together.
Walked into Upper Hutt for lunch (roast roll!) & to get supplies for dinner from Pak 'N'Save, had a few beers then wandered back, made chicken curry, George & Kathryn got home, we ate dinner but it was too hot for Kathryn & George wasn't that keen, after talking to Suze she said he was more of a meat & 2 veg kinda guy! Oh well Shepherds Pie next then! After dinner George took us to his mate Shane's where we met him & his girlfriend, had a chat & got an invite to his 30th birthday on Saturday night. Then we went to the top of Mt Victoria & looked down over the city which was nice, me & Kathryn sat in the car as it was freezing! Then we went to his workmate's house right cut into the hill overlooking the city, beautiful house. Then off to his Bro's house to get some fresh eggs for brekkie, had more tea & some lush kinda Rocky Road biscuit.

Drove into Wellington & went on the cable car to the top of the Botanical Gardens & then walked the short distance back down through the gardens. We carried on doing the walking tour in the L.Planet book taking in all the sights. Went for beers
at Mac's microbrewery then walked along the Quay watching the training for the Dragon Boat festival to the parked van.
Went to Pak 'N' Save again & cooked Shepherds Pie for dinner for us all which went down better than the curry!!

George booked today off as hols to show us around which was really nice. J cooked poached eggs for us 3 then we went off for the day.
Drove into Wellngton & up to the wind turbine on the hill for some more great views, then bck down & George drove all the way around the coast/headland/harbour showing us all the sights, the coastline was lovely with some really nice houses.
Went for a beer in town & George won on the Pokies, then went for a sarnie & then off to another viewpoint.
Got back to George's, showered & changed then George drove us into Lower Hutt for dinner at this steak house he goes to then we went for beers at his old local pub & watched a band. Met some of his old mates which was nice then we went & stopped for some crispy fish on the way home!

Nothing day today really, Kathryn got home from staying at her mate's & we all just chilled out. Later me & J went to get supplies for the party & fry up for Sunday morning. We all went round to Marion & Rex's for a great BBQ in the garden b4 the party. Had a lovely time, Rex was funny! Marion dropped us at Shane's for the party & so we ate & drank lots all night, J tried to watch the Liverpool Vs Man U match but kept falling asleep, I had lots of text's from Neil about it hee hee they lost! Had a call from New York Big Eyes & Bob which was nice but was very drunk so don't remember much of it! Lots of drunken texts sent that night!

Got up late & J cooked us all a fry up, lush, just what we all needed! Got a call from Sarah & Paul & kiddies which was nice, great to hear their voices. Marion popped round to bring Kathryn home & she had also made us some sarnies for the trip, bless her & gave us a pot of home made jam, result! Packed up the van & said a sad farewell to the guys. Off to catch the ferry to the South Island.
Got onto the ferry all ok, had a nice chat with the guy showing us onto the ferry, everyone's so nice here, didn't see any dolphins on the way out but the crossing was flat & clear which was good with hangovers!
Arrived into Picton, I drove & we decided to head on round the west coast as far as we could get before dark. Drove through Havelock where they have the Mussel Festival onto Nelson. In Nelson we carried on to Tahuna Beach Holiday Park, found a beachside spot for the night, idealic.

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