Monday 4 May 2009

1/5/09 - 5/5/09 Singapore with Jules & posse!

Jules came and met us at the airport what a star, got a taxi down to the Hangout hostel at mount Emily, brillian place we thought.. then off to a bar in Emerald Hill road, 3 beers for $20 happy hour, it aint cheap here... so we sat there and had a few beers and a chat... there's a 2 hour time difference so our 11pm here was already 1am for us but we hung in there... was good fun
They have this wierd thing here that only 15% of outside tables can be smoking ones, or you can go stand in the street..
$50 fine if you jay walk with 50 metres of a crossing, obviously hard for me not too.. hee hee
I also found out that I wasn't allowed to bring in my pouches of baccy without paying duty... only open packs allowed without singapore tax being paid... malboro lights about $12 at the newsy.. about same as at home i think

we stayed here, $89 per night online... 195 if you walk in... don't do it... was really good

recon we were out til 2am..

11am... good sleep.. Got a taxi down to Raffles and met Jules for a cocktail.. very back packers, Nic had the good old Singapore sling, Jules and me went for a Raffles Revelry, very nice indeed, they bring you out salted monkey nuts and you just chuck the shells on the floor, yes even at Raffles... the long bar is really nice inside, with swinging fans that surely don't do any thing... in the courtyard there was a wedding going on the bride was just giving a speech as i bowled in over the rope to chuck me fag but in the bin, no one noticed fortuneatly..
we wandered on past the cricket ground and old parliment buildings and down to the river, took a 45minute boat trip for a look about then it was good for a look about... went for lunch at a place on the water had sort of oriental,we just shared a few differnt plates, had stingray sounds wrong i know but tastes lush, some greens, satay, rice, dumplings...

they have a real mix of foods, indian, chinese, japanese, vietnamese, can get that in the same restaurant too

Sha Sha's birthday, out at the Helipad funky bar... and very loud for the old ginge, drank lots and lots... the four of us went for dinner first at the Lao Beijing restaurant, was lush, dusk, spicy pork, scallop and bean curd soup, greens etc... sha sha ordered it up with a bit of help from Jules, it was lush

Met Jules down at the Prince of wales in Little India, got some curry sent over to the pub, what a great idea
poor Rick Hatton lost, we couldn't watch it anywhere...
Went down to Muddy's Irish pub that Bjorn manages, drank lots just like at home on a sunday, then we all went down to Chijmes bar restaurant and ate and watched the mighty Liverpool beat up Newcastle, I do hope they don't go down but we really needed the points to get auto qualify in the champs league..\
stayed out drinking til gone midnight, Sha Sha was bought a white waterfall drink, a bit of a tradition with the group...
I stayed on for a beer with Bjorn once everyone had gone... Nic was already back at the ranch burnt out..

We were pretty burnt out so we hung around the Hotel and done some blogg, we are getting there, actually had our first breakfast at the hotel, we had baked beans yippee... we've got a can in the sack in case of emergency's...
Went too Marks and Spencers, yes Bird needed a new Bra, and guess what bought another top..
Met poor old Jules down Emerald Hill for a few beers... poor bloke had been at work after the heavy weekend.. he perked up after a couple San Mig lights
got the train down to a Hawkers type place, Lau Pa Sat Festival Market and had lush food again, also nice and cheap, the tiger beer lady bring, its a definite must do, you can get any kind of food you want... left there and went to chian square for beer... went on to some courtyard place and unfortunately saw a fight between a couple of Koreans, Jules knew them too, you don't get fights over here..
last beer near the river then a cab back.. another 2 am finish

Meeting Jules down POW in little India for lunch then off on our travels at 3pm

Cheers Jules its been awesome seeing you!!!! and cheers to your friends too they are great

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