Wednesday 1 July 2009

7/6/09-12/6/09 Phucket

7/6/09 - Phi Phi to Phucket
Slept in & missed the 1st ferry to Phucket!
Packed, nice cup of cha (in a real mug!) got the woman to change our ferry ticket to the afternoon one then went back to the Sports Bar again for lunch & to wait for the ferry. Both a bit hangin again!
Yum jacket potato with chilli & cheese & J had 2 cheese & bean toasties! Lush hangover food again, both feeling fat!
Got ferry & then minibus to our hotel'Karon Living Room'

I negotiated 100B off the room bringing it down to 600B or 12 pounds pn for a lush room a/c, massive bed, nice bathroom & beer fridge nice one!
Went for a Sunday Roast which was OK & met some Northern girls, one of which had only eaten tomato soup for her whole 2 week holiday!

Best nights sleep in a long time!! Woke up at 10am with earplugs in & face mask on!
Beach, hired jeep for the next day 700B, got transport quotes to Ko Samui & Noodle soup for lunch (back into spending less mode now).
I had a foot massage, heaven, stocked beer fridge with vodka & coke, J kept rowing across the tiled floor to the fridge for re-fills in his boxers, well funny!
He also threatened to take my England shirt off of me for asking what he would do if England lost against Andorra!
Oh & we met some small boys selling roses in the bar with two northern girls we met, they asked where their Mum was 'She's dead' was the reply and the Dad too! Lying little......!!!
Hired the jeep for the day & drove to try to get to the James Bond Island on the cheap! That'll teach us! No cheaper at all so we headed back, popped into Phucket town for lunch, went to look in Tesco's then made our way along the coast passing the view points & nice beaches back to base!

Hired a moped for beach days, had a 7 Eleven pick nick in the room with drinkies & got a bit drunk!
England 6 Andorra 0!!
Got roped into one of these 'time share' style holiday clubs (I know, we're supposed to be intelligent) with the promise of me winning the star prize of a laptop! Got a free brekkie out of it though it did take up 4 hours of the day!
Bought bus ticket to Ko Samui for 10 pounds each!

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