Wednesday 1 July 2009

4/6/09-6/6/09 - Phi Phi

4/6/09 - Ko Lanta to Phi Phi
Minibus picked the three of us up after brekkie at 8:30am. Got accross on the 2 ferries straight away then onto Krabi town (had to do it this way as the direct boat had stopped in the rainy season), had some argy on the bus when they thought this French guy had kept his room key, threatened to charge him 500B for it! Little shit in the front stopped outside the police station to search the guy & his bags & then threatened he wouldn't make his flight! They found the key back at the hotel so they let him off, no apology though!
Got dropped off at another tourist office, not the ferry terminal as asked to haggle for the ferry ticket to Phi Phi! J got quoted 350B, went next door & it was 300, back next door & got him down to 300 too! Haggled for a room too & was told no air con room for under 800B so we said we'd get it when we arrived! Got quoted 350B for the ferry Phi Phi to Phucket & Rich at the desk behind us got quoted 400B, he was just sitting behind us the cheeky buggers! He played up & got his 50B back though!
Went for lush Pad Thai for lunch, beat the boys again with my food choice! The lady had to hold back the savage dog while we went to the loo!
Back to the Tourist Office to get the 'free' bus to the ferry terminal. Rich went next door & asked their price Phi Phi - Phucket & was told 300B, 50 less again so he came back in & kicked off at the guy, was well funny, he told all the customers not to buy from here & then said he would take drinks from the fridge to the value of the 50B if they didn't give him the refund of 50B! The little guy hid behind J & said 'Fuck you' in broken English, funny then gave him back the 50B! Total silence in the office then with tumble weed & everything!
Got to the ferry & found the tickets should be 400B, oh well!
Nice trip over, me & Rich fell asleep but J managed to stay awake. We all hatched the plan of attack to get digs at the best price on Phi Phi. Arrived & told no cheaper than 700B with a/c for a room & well, well the 2nd place we went into was 600B, a/c & sea glimpses, I tried my crap haggling skills to get it for 550B but failed miserably much to the amusement of the boys!
Dumped bags (place was above a snooker hall!) then went for ciders(God haven't had that for ages!) with Rich. Found a place on the beach with large beers & G&T's, got chatting to 2 Israel's, had a few too many, watched the sunset, wandered back to the room, showered then out for din dins. Rich had been told about this place with a real salad bar & BBQ so we headed there, God it was soooo nice having proper salad, jacket pots, corns & BBQ meat. Rich had the salmon steak, gutted his looked lush! Couple more'buy 1 get 1 free' cocktails at the flame throwers beach bar in the rain then bed!
Nice to have different food choices again after Lanta but need to dump Rich as spending too much money, hee hee!!

Brekkie, quick check of e-mails, had another one from Bob well funny, made us both LOL!
3 of us decided to walk up to the view point. Got a map & set off. Walked up the steepest hill for ages with no water (all well prepped as usual!), in the midday sun only to meet a girl who said we'd gone the wrong way! Dying, we walked back down feeling a bit dizzy, water was needed. Found the right turning for the viewpoint & Rich went up but we went to the beach!
Swam in the really shallow water, Rich (Hero!)took out a kayak & we went for lunch & beer, too much sun today!
Went out in the evening for burger & pasta in the '2 4 1' cocktail bar, then off to the Apache Bar to use the 'Free bucket' voucher, had a bucket each made with nearly 2 bottles of vodka then went onto the beach party for dancin & more buckets which were the find of the day! Think we got back at 4am ish!

Went for brekkie pizza & a fry up & Rich turned up, he'd missed the first ferry!!
I had to go back to the room soon after, watched movies all day puked & drank water!
Good JJ came back after saying bye to Rich on the afternoon ferry with more water & a doughnut for me. Both slept some more, managed to get a few beers down in the room then donned the England shirts (felt like a pikie!) to watch the 1st World Cup qualifier, result = England 4 Kazakhstan 0!! Mmm cheese & bean toasties & cheesy chips!!

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