Tuesday 7 April 2009

Tupiza (Bol) 19/01/2009 to 22/01/2009

Crossed the border on foot into Villazon, Bolivia (home of the bowler hatted Mama's!), no hassle just along q (no border hassles as people had said, not even a bag search)
Couldn't get the train to Tupiza & so got on the dodgy local bus with Kylie in tow!
Well funny trip, it started to rain & the whole road seemed to turn into a river bed good job we trusted the driver. Kylie was sat next to the smelliest old man ever so she moved eventually to the back but we think it was because she was scared sitting at the front!
The bus kept stopping in random places at the side of the road in the desert for the Mama's to get off & walk in their bowler hats home, which must have been miles away as no houses were visible at all!

20/1/09 - 22/1/09
Stayed in boring Tupiza, Jay got his 2nd haircut of the trip, the barber didn't speak any English but J managed to get accross, a number 4 on the sides & the back, short on top & thinned out! All back to normal.
Booked up the 3 night, 4 day Salt Flats trip to Uyuni. Kylie booked on another trip cause they said it was a newer truck, ours was cheaper & as we later found out a newer truck too!!
Loads of funny restaurants all the same selling Italian food.
Found the only outside table in Tupiza to have a nice cold outside beer, plus Kylie knew we'd always be there if she lost us!
There were no cash points so we experienced changing money in a Bolivian bank for the 1st & hopefully last time. Queued up in one line, which was wrong, then did another one only to be sent to the office like naughty children, then the manager walked out & got her lackie in to serve us. Eventually we joined the original queue with our bit of paper to get the cash. J decided to make things harder for them & asked for all small notes, much to the woman's disgust! All in all this experience took over 1 hour, not bad really. Fortunatly the bank was near to the outside beer table so we headed straight there burnt out from the mission!
Found some crappy Bolivian red wine & took that into a few restaurants with us.

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