Tuesday 7 April 2009

Cuzco (Per), Aguas Calientes Machu Picchu, Wayna Picchu, Cuzco 04/02/2009 to 09/02/2009

Arrived really late in Cuzco with the Swedes & Israel's! Bus was rubbish, no leg room, dodgy locals, kept stopping randomly. Lucky there were 6 of us really! Had to stay awake for fear of being robbed! Me & J watched Gavin & Stacy on the ipod under our jumpers so the thieving gits couldn't see & nick our ipod!
Hostel room was sh** damp & gross, think I cried again!

Moved to a hostel next door with the Israel couple.
Nice room at the top of the building overlooking the city.
Did a few bits am, booked our train to Aquas Calientes (M.Picchu)
Went out on a bender at the Irish bar drinking Cuble Libre's, Indian & ended up in a night club, don't remember getting home! J wouldn't remove the backpack for fear of it getting nicked & we danced to Madonna (well I think we did!)!

Woke up remembering we got a taxi back up the hill, walked into town, I had a severe Nic hangover. Gutted we missed MacDonalds after the club and it was only next door!
Went to the Irish bar & has Shepherds Pie & J had a burger, brilliant! Swedes found us again & laughed at my poor state!
J met a strange looking S.African guy called 'The Candyman' who tried to sell him cocaine & he even had his own business card!
Introduced the Israel's to Bread & Butter pudding in the Irish bar!

Got a collectivo (mini bus) (all 6 of us) to Ollantaytambo to catch the train to Aguas Calientes the nearest town to Machu Picchu.
J & the girls got a corn on the cob, massive kernals!
Train journey was lovely through countryside, waterfalls etc.....
A.Calientes was vile, loads of touts everywhere, rubbish hostels!
Bought our bus ticket for the earliest bus 5:30am to M.Picchu.
Went for a lush meal just the 2 of us at Indio Feliz, French bloke owned it, proper bread & butter!

Got up at 4:30am to get in the queue to get the first bus up to M.P so we could get in early to get a ticket first to climb Wayna Picchu (the big mountain in the background on all postcards of MP!). They only let 200 people up in the morning & the same in the afternoon, it was really busy as the Inca trail was closed during February. We got our ticket & headed up the mountain 1hr each way all up steps no bigger than size 2 feet, nothing to hold onto with sheer drops to fall down! All done with altitude sickness & lack of fitness! Once at the top though the view was amazing, we were literally in the clouds! Some idiots climped up in flip flops, we couldn't look at them! Coming back down was fun! Smaller steps, virtually vertical drops & we had to go down on our bums some of the way. J did really well considering he's scared of heights! We breathed a huge sigh of relief when we got back down!
We walked around the site of Machu Picchu for a while & then met up with the Israel's for a cool off drink before getting the bus back down to A.Cal.

The four of us ( lost the girls in the morning!) went up to the hot baths to cool down & relax before catching the train & collectivo back to Cuzco.

Went to Sumaq restaurant around the corner for dinner & had our first Pisco Sour (properly made with egg whites yum yum!) stayed the night in the nice hostal before meeting the girls to give them more funds!
Cuzco was a lovely town but we got fed up with the touts & nearly bought a t-shirt saying 'No Gracius!"

Treated ourselves to lunch at the Irish Bar again (Paddy's), Irish Stew & stuffed chicken, get in!!!
Hung around waiting for our overnight bus to Nazca.

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